School Council 2023-24


  School Council                                                                                                                        

 Our School Council consists of sixteen representatives, two per class, who meet to discuss ways the school might be further improved. Each class has its own suggestion box and children are encouraged to contribute realistic suggestions which will lead to school improvement. During the meetings the merits of each suggestion are discussed and decisions are made.  Councillors are expected to be punctual. Meetings last approximately thirty minutes.  Councillors feed back to their own classes.


The Role of the Class Representative
It is the responsibility of the class representative to make sure pupils in their class know what the council is doing. They should help them feel involved and show them how the council can make a difference.

  They should:                                                                                                                                                            

  • Ensure they know who is the Chair of the council.
  • Attend meetings and make relevant notes - the Deputy Chair should do this in the councillor's absence.
  • Report back to their own class.
  • Lead discussion in their classroom about issues addressed in the meeting.
  • Make a note about issues discussed in class to tell the chair so that they are put on a meeting agenda
  • Organise a suggestion box in their classroom so pupils in their class can pass on their ideas.
  • Attend meetings and make relevant notes.


School Council 2023-24


Year 3










Year 4










Year 5










Year 6