Outdoor Environment

We are incredibly lucky to have a wonderful outdoor environment, here at Gomersal Primary School. With just under eight acres of diverse land, including: hard standing playgrounds and sports courts, a large field with garden area, mature woodland and two outdoor classrooms, our children are surrounded by a rich environment in which they can learn and develop.




Ms S Kitchen is our Forest School practitioner


At the bottom of the school field we have a mature woodland area, which will form a base for Forest School's work over the forthcoming years. For anyone who doesn't know about Forest School's, take a look at the Forest School's website which can be accessed here. 

The Forest School approach enhances the school curriculum by providing further opportunities for children to;


Be healthy

During Forest School activities children are physically active for most of the time and their stamina increases.  Through the opportunities provided to them, the children gain confidence and develop their self-esteem, which can have a positive impact on their mental and emotional well-being.

Stay safe

The children become actively engaged in assessing the risks in the woodland environment.  They are supported and encouraged to make sensible decisions about how to deal with unfamiliar situations (such as exploring, building dens, climbing trees, and using tools).

 Enjoy and achieve 

The positive outdoor experiences offered by the Forest School approach enable children of all ages to engage in tasks that are child led and presented in small and achievable steps. Children have the opportunity to work individually, in pairs or in small groups, as well as participate in larger group tasks.  Children develop teamwork skills as well as becoming increasingly independent and confident in their skills.

Make a positive contribution 

As children develop greater confidence through the Forest School approach, they become increasingly confident in other areas of their lives.  Forest School can be particularly effective at promoting opportunities for children to solve problems and be creative and imaginative.  These skills all form a sound basis for developing enterprising behaviour.