You can keep up to date with the work created in the art room by following our Twitter account and Blog page.


Gomersal Primary school has an Art Studio and an Art Specialist Teacher, Mrs. Barrett. Children in Key Stage Two visit the studio each week while Key Stage One and Early Years visit on a rolling timetable. Our studio is also used to support teachers from other schools and student teachers from various Universities and teacher training programmes.


The foundation of our art, craft and design curriculum is taken directly from the Early Learning Goals and the National Curriculum.
With the exception of Early Years, our children all use sketchbooks to document their learning and creative journeys; where they have the opportunity to record, review and revisit their ideas. We feel these are a vital part of developing our children to work as artists, craft makers and designers.
Please refer to our art blog for examples.



We use the progression documents from our subject association NSEAD where the curriculum is sectioned into four different progress objectives:

Generating ideas - the skills of designing and developing ideas

Making - the skills of making art, craft and design

Knowledge - knowledge of both technical process and cultural context

Evaluating - the skills of judgement and evaluation

Our own progression of skills document then supports our curriculum development further, showing how drawing, painting, sculpture, printing, collage, digital media and textiles are developed over time. These documents can be found in the curriculum area of our website. We also use Access Art for lesson content inspiration, which complement our own schemes of work, projects and lesson ideas.


Through art, craft and design we want to engage, inspire and challenge pupils by introducing them to a broad range of techniques, materials and artists, craftspeople and designers. We want to equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, explore, take risks, invent and create. It will enable them to be authentic and explore their own identity as well as being curious about respecting and connecting with others. Most importantly, we want them to foster a positive, life-long relationship with the subject and have fun.

We want our children to know that they are artists, craft makers and designers!

The roots of our curriculum will always focus on the knowledge and skills within our progression documents but we do link to other areas of the curriculum in meaningful, engaging and enriching ways. Our schemes of work are flexible in their content and outcome, to allow for creativity.

When considering the content of our art, craft and design curriculum we thought carefully about our locality and heritage. We have a range of significant artists who were born locally and these are referred to throughout our curriculum. 

For more information please see: 'How we use our locality and heritage' blog post.

 We collect visual evidence to show what art, craft and design looks like within our school and we follow the learning journey of pupils to show how they have grown throughout their time with us. This is an ongoing journey and is continually changing. Assessment in the art curriculum is a holistic process and should teach pupils: how to become independent artists, craft makers and designers, to know and understand the creative process, to ask themselves the right questions and to be able to accept praise and take advice in equal measures. The NSEAD assessment framework is used to assess children's ability to work within the four key concept areas: generating ideas, making, knowledge and understanding and evaluating.

We have a range of examples of progression through school, in this blog post 


Developing textiles as part of our SDP and involvement with a Paul Hamlyn Foundation funded project.

During the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years we will spend time developing our textile curriculum. This will link to our local heritage and the innovative industries that are within our local area. This has been made possible with funding from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

Here is a blog post explaining the details.



Visual Long Term Plans for Key Stage Two

(Visual Plans for EYFS and KS1 under construction)

Here are some of the national projects our school has been involved with:

SkyArts asked us to be their host school during their Access all Arts week in 2022. We were involved in filming, workshops and testing resources.


The RSA visited our school to learn about our Arts Rich Curriculum.

This formed part of their research for the following document:

RSA - Arts Rich Schools


Our school is taking part in a research project by Prof Pat Thompson and Liam Maloy from Nottingham University in 2022

Read their findings here: RAPS Article

Our school was invited to speak in The House of Commons

Read our speech and see our presentation by clicking on the following link:

A Day in Parliament

Mrs Barrett was interviewed by Sarah Mumford from IVE:

IVE interview


TES article - How to use the Arts to teach social and emotional skills:

TES article


Our school features in an Access Art article about Art Rooms:

Access Art Link

The Big Draw interviewed Mrs Barrett about our use of Sketchbooks in school:

Sketchbook Interview